Each module is assessed slightly differently, based on the delivery method used. The assignments are primarily designed as part of the learning process and testing the student is secondary. The following are some of the ways that the student is assessed:
Written paragraph (short) assignments.
Written assignment of 1,200 – 1,500 words at the end of the module.
Regular class and workshop attendance.
Additional credits can be earned by attending intensives (seminars) at the various campuses.
Time Required
Although the student learns at his/her own pace the following is recommended.
The course is designed to be completed within a period of two years of concentrated study. It requires consistent work and effort that is very rewarding to those who complete it. Remember half a qualification is really no qualification at all.
Typical Hours to Complete (the following example is based on the Diploma, the Certificate is half that time):
Each module takes a minimum of 40 hours of concentrated study.
A total of 50 modules equals a total of 2,000 hours. Therefore:
To complete in 1 yr. = 40 hrs. per week (8 hrs per day x 5 days) x 50 weeks [Full time]
To complete in 2 yrs. = 20 hrs. per week = (4 hrs. per day x 5 days) x 50 weeks
To complete in 3 yrs. = 13.3 hrs. per week = 2.6 hrs. per day
To complete in 4 yrs. = 10 hrs. per week = 2 hrs. per day
This does not include the research project (mini-thesis)
Please note this is based on an “average” student. You may be faster or slower than the average.
Extension of the Study Period
Students are required to complete a minimum of 10 modules per year. Should one not complete the minimum, a written request for an extension, explaining the reasons for the slow progress must be lodged with the College by the end of December. Note that at 10 modules per year, the entire course will take more than five years to complete.