We had blessed time at Bulawayo Baptist church where we hosted our most recent Graduation Ceremony! Because of Covid restrictions we have not been able to get together for over two years which made this gathering a special and memorable occasion.
We also hosted a biblical seminar based on the New Testament books of 1st and 2nd Timothy. The number of attendees and participants totalled 134. We had various denominations present including that of the Assemblies of God (AOG) which was very well represented with 58 attendee’s, followed by Bulawayo Baptist (5), Victory Fellowship (5), Apostolic Faith Mission (4), Brethren in Christ Church (4), Global Proclamation of Salvation (4) and the remainder denominations being represented by 1 or 2 participants.
There were 84 male participants and 50 female. According to designation, we had 62 pastors who attended, 15 elders, 7 deacons, 11 Church members, and the rest brothers and sisters in Christ and vistors from various parts of Zimbabwe.
The graduation Ceremony was held on the 20th of August 2022 and the graduating students were as follows:
– Those graduating with A Diploma of Theology (12)
– Those graduating with A Certificate of Bible Knowledge (5)
Overview of Students who have Graduated at the TCSA
Since the Theological College of Southern Africa (TCSA) moved to Bulawayo we have had 9 graduation ceremonies. So far we have seen 187 Students graduating with a Diploma of Theology and 115 with a Certificate of Bible Knowledge. The Assemblies of God currently has 107 students actively enrolled at the ccollege and as of the 20th of August 2022, we had a total of 17 graduates (11 of them were from Assemblies of God), 4 from Bulawayo Baptist, 3 from Harare and 4 from Bulawayo proper.
We would firstly like to thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who makes the ministry at TCSA worth every minute. We appreciate the commitment and enduring spirit shown by the TCSA staff regarding the mobilization of students and ongoing tutoring support. Since we cannot do it alone, and by the grace of God, other partner Churches and Government departments have played a key role in availing their respective leaders to be trained by TCSA. The wisdom from our Principal and Academic advisor has contributed massively to each individuals growth, stability and enrolment. The Mat North DCC plays a crucial role in supporting the college through office space availability also providing an opportunity for Pastor training.